Most of Louisiana was untouched by Hurricane Sally.
“I believe in the power of prayer.”
Guy McInnis, St. Bernard Parish President
It was a close call for the coastal parts of St. Bernard Parish but they were able to weather the storm with some flooding and surge.
“You know, three times in four weeks, our prayers have been answered here,” McInnis said with relief.
On Tuesday, the floodgates remained closed to keep out any of the storm surge being pushed closer inland but, by Wednesday morning, most of the once flooded streets had dried.
“It just changes overnight right? You know with the tide. So when the storm lands 200 miles away, it brings in a bunch of water and it goes out just as fast,” explained McInnis.
Now that the floodgates are open, residents and boat owners are heading back to their homes to check for any damage.
After the storm passed, McInnis and the Army Core of Engineers took to the sky to see how they can fix future flooding issues.
“After the $14 billion structure crosses around Bayou Beinvanue was built, there was some unintended consequences by the rock dam,” shared McInnis. “We are trying to get a structure there to open it to allow navigation.”
This time it was the working pumps, secure floodgates and a levee system that protected thousands of citizens.
“We still have a little water on some of the roads but, basically everyone’s just got to get all of those 400 boats and trailers and campers that you just passed and get them back in place,” said McInnis. “And then, do it all over again if we get another storm.”