Tracking the Tropics, Week 12: What’s happening in the Atlantic & a look back at Hurricanes Dennis & Floyd

Welcome to week 12 of Tracking the Tropics, your weekly in-depth look at topics concerning the Atlantic Hurricane season.

On this week’s show, WNCT Chief Meteorologist Jerry Jackson will take us back to 1999 as we remember Hurricane Dennis and Hurricane Floyd, two storms that rocked North Carolina and other mid-Atlantic states. Jackson will explain how Dennis set the stage for a major flooding event in North Carolina ahead of Floyd’s soon-after landfall in the state.

WSAV Chief Meteorologist Kris Allred will talk with WNCN’s Wes Hohenstein about what exactly is going on in the tropics right now as we could see our first “L” (Laura) and “M” (Marco) storms of the season. Also, we’ll hear from a family on the coast of Georgia who had their home lifted after Hurricane Irma as well as discuss the impacts the storm had on coastal Georgia.

Finally, do you need a way to tell if your food is still edible when the power goes out? Check out an old trick to tell you exactly when to discard your food.

Join CBS 17 every Tuesday night at 8 p.m. for Tracking the Tropics.