Results are in, check out what happened at the polls on Election Day

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — The polls are closed and results are in!

Saturday (March 25th) several races took place across Louisiana. Here are the results thus far:

In Terrebonne Parish, the battle for the seat of Council District One was won by Brien K. Pledger with 54% of the votes.

In St. Tammany Parish, “Jimmy” Inman won with 40% of votes for the council seat in District D and 85% of voters voted Yes for Fire Protection District No. 13 Proposition.

Tate H. Kennedy won the race for Justice of the Peace with 63% of votes in Washington Parish.

In Tangipahoa Parish, 68% of voters voted no for the Village of Tangipahoa Proposition.

In Lafourche Parish, Reggie Ledet won the race for Port Commission in Division E.

In Orleans parish Alonzo Knox won the run-off race for  State House seat for District 93. As fir the race of the judges Marissa A. Hutabarat won Orleans Parish Civil Court and  Criminal Court judge was won by Leon Roche.

Those wishing to see more results can visit the Sectary of State’s website.

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