Sen. Cassidy not running for governor so he can focus on current legislation

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — “If I had run I was fairly confident I was going to win,” that’s what Louisiana senator Bill Cassidy said after announcing he will not run for governor.

He says he has several pieces of legislation up for debate in Washington and if he doesn’t focus he doesn’t believe they will pass.

“More money for coastal restoration, attempting to address WEP and GPO and also flood insurance and so I want to complete those jobs,” explained the senator.

Quite a few republicans have expressed their interest in running for the seat. One name already on the ballot, with an early endorsement by the state’s GOP, is Attorney General Jeff Landry.

“It’s kind of amusing, if there was every a backroom deal that was it,” said Senator Cassidy when asked how he felt about the early endorsement. “If it was ever kind of the self selected few trying to make the decision for several million voters that was. You need to know who’s going to be out there first.”

Political analyst Jeff Crouere says regardless of the endorsement, Senator John Kennedy is the front runner for republicans if he chooses to run.

“He’s very popular, he just won re-election with 62% of the vote, he is considered the most popular politician in the state,” said Crouere.

So far no democrats have announced their candidacy. Crouere says with a state trending republican, it may be an uphill battle for liberals.

“Their best chance at winning would be to get another moderate like John Bel Edwards, someone who is pro-life, pro-second amendment, and can get republican vote and then get into a run off with a candidate that is very conservative and then paint that candidate as too extreme,” said Crouere.